Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Well on Monday I went o cycling class and Trent wanted to come with me so luckily we were able to find a babysitter so that we both could go. It was great but oh man was that a work out Trent and i were dying half way into the class it was crazy but it was nice to know that we had a great workout and it was allot of fun to be able to go with Trent i am really enjoying all of these classes it is nice to go and workout and know that you did it the right way i could never just go to the gym to work out because i would not know if i was working out the right way this weekend is the weekend i go and clean houses so that will be my work out for the weekend and then next week starts again with cycling and Zumba i just hope this all pays off soon LOL!!!

Sunday, June 6, 2010


well Saturday morning i was able to go to the Zumba class over here at the west valley rec center it was a blast i was able to go with my friend it was great to have someone else come with me it was a great workout even though i looked like a dork doing it ha ha i could hardly do the dance moves that the instructor was doing and the class was 75 min it was awesome though she turned up the music really loud and then you just start moving i found out that you burn about 1,000 calories each class and man is that ever true it is constant moving it was awesome it felt really good to get out and exercise that way i have been walking every day but a really good workout can make you feel wonderful i am now only five pounds away from my goal weight yahoo!!
and you know when it was a great workout when you are sore the next day and i am my legs are so sore just goes to show i still have a lot of work to do ha ha.

later on in the day i was able to go out with my best friend Alisha she is so awesome i love this girl and we went out shopping and to a movie and then to dinner it was her 25Th birthday !!! it was so much fun i always have the best time when we hang out we have been friends now for 10 years ya that makes me feel old ha ha she has three kids and her youngest in only a month younger than Paizley and he is one handsome kid i love having such a great friend. we went and saw the movie letters to Juliet it was a GREAT movie i loved it.

what a great Saturday!!!